Thursday, May 31, 2012

Earth's Best...or so they say!

If you've found your way to my blog, I hope you decide to stick around.  I decided to start a blog about food, only makes sense right? I'm a Pastry Arts student who not only loves to eat but loves to cook, and not just sweets! If you'd like to know more please read the "Welcome" blog to get to know me a little better. So without further ado I'm making my first post!

So as a health and food conscious momma I try to buy organic whenever I can and it doesn't hurt when my daughter's (Newtie) favorite character is on the front.  I recently bought a box of Earth's Best 70% organic (I will get to that part later) French Toast Sticks for Newtie. 
I bought them for a few reasons, one because they were organic and two because they had Elmo on the front, and three I think she's over the Eggo Cinnamon Toast Waffles. My daughter is über obsessed with Elmo right now, everything is Elmo, I'm Elmo, daddy is Elmo, well you get the idea, so when she saw the box while we were standing in the breakfast food aisle; let’s just say I HAD to get them!  I mean how could I not when I hear "Elmo" in only a way that she can say? Gets me every time! So first let me start by saying that they were terrible, I can’t think of a single redeeming quality that they possessed! As I'm opening the box I notice the 70% organic sticker, which kinda bummed me out because had I seen that to begin with I would've opted for a name brand, one I know would've had some taste, organic or not.  See that’s how they rope you in, they plaster “organic” on the box hoping/knowing that you’ll fail to notice the “70%” at the bottom of the box.  So getting to the sucky part, they had a horrible texture, almost like a really dry crumbly cake, they had almost no flavor and worst yet Newtie hated them.  She made this awful face and tried to wipe her tongue off.  Coming from a kid who eats damn near anything, I think I will take her assessment. But being the foodie that I am I decided to give it a go, I took one bite, chewed a couple of times and quickly followed her lead.  I'm pretty sure I used the sink sprayer to spray my tongue off, they were that bad!  While this is the first Earth’s Best thing I’ve bought, I don’t think I will let this product dissuade me from purchasing Earth’s Best in the future, just not the French Toast Sticks, sorry Elmo and sorry Newtie!

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